The National Register and Preservation
Sunday September 22, 2024 at 2pm at the Christ Church Upper Merion (Old Swedes)
740 River Rd, Bridgeport, PA
Please join us! Meetings are free and open to the public.
Join us at Old Swedes for a look at what it means for a property to be on the National Register. What are the restrictions? Is preservation guaranteed? What resources are available? These questions are exceedingly important for the Moore-Irwin House, which is eligible for the National Register.
The sometimes surprising answers will be provided by Megan McNish and Jennifer Thornton. Megan is the Eastern Region Community Preservation Coordinator for the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), a bureau of the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission. She provides technical assistance to Certified Local Governments and community preservation partners. Jennifer Thornton is the National Register Coordinator for the SHPO. She helps preparers navigate the National Register process from start to finish.
The Society organizes monthly meetings from September to June each
year. We invite speakers to talk about topics of local interest. Meetings typically last from an hour to an hour and a half.