WHAT 2016 Montgomery County History Day ~ A full day of activities for the entire families. This is a “kid” oriented event with pony rides, scavenger hunt with a prize, real-live craftsmen making items by hand, a nifty Tavern with games, bake oven demonstration, and a duel.
WHEN Saturday, September 17 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
WHERE Heckler Plain Park, 237 Landis Rd, Harleysville, PA 19438
“Necessities” – The Trades of Early America
Early Americanhistoryfair2016 tradesmen learned their craft as apprentices to master craftsmen who brought their expertise with them to America from the Old World. This year’s Fair, is a look at life before Walmart, when we took pride in making items by hand with skilled artistry. We’d also like you to experience another precursor to our modern-day hotels, post offices, restaurants and transportation centers all rolled into one place called the Tavern or Publick House. Along with this view of an earlier time, we invite you to learn about the past of this amazing county in Pennsylvania, whose rich history abounds from the outskirts of Philadelphia to the up-country regions around Green Lane, from the local historical societies, churches and organizations who each proudly keep a portion of the story of Montgomery County.