On February 19, 1952, the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin reported that as of press time, the state of Pennsylvania had not yet settled with the owners of buildings slated to be torn down to widen roads and modify the intersection of US 202 and 23 (Gulph Road), in order to prepare for the influx of traffic expected with the completion of the PA Turnpike and the Schuylkill Expressway.
The buildings slated to be torn down were: Mike Estock’s Garage, William E Groff’s Filling station, and Ed Mack’s.
Days later, several papers around the country ran the AP story of Ed Mack’s attempt to save his property from demolition until settlement could be made.
From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 23 Feb 1952
Workmen were on the job yesterday widening DeKalb Pike-Route 202- in King of Prussia, but they stayed clear of the property of Edward Mack, who warned that he would use his deer rifle, if necessary, to protect his holdings until officials make him a “suitable offer.”
Mack owns a restaurant, an eight-room apartment and a gasoline station on a tract that lies in the path of the project to widen the highway as a link to the Pennsylvania Turnpike.
Armed with the rifle, Mack took up his vigil with his German shepard, Terry, to prevent the demolition of his buildings.
He crawled out of his sleeping bag on the ground floor of the larger structure, walked around the property and then returned inside to wait for relatives who brought him his breakfast.
Mack said he would not leave the property until some agreement is reached.
What the State’s next move will be was in doubt. Highway Department officials were not available for comment, since the Capitol was closed because of Washington’s Birthday.
In the meantime, workmen continued demolishing buildings all around Mack’s place, preparing the ground for paving.
Workmen agreed that up to this point, Mack was not holding up the project. They said they had “many days” of work before it would become necessary to demolish the restaurant and gasoline station.
The State, Mack said, made him one offer. He accepted it, but officials changed their minds and refused to sign the papers.
“They just want to get me out of here so some politicians can set up a commercial center when the new road is built,” he charged.
“I’ll get off and let them take over when they give me what the place is worth, and it’s worth plenty. Besides, I have to have money to start in business elsewhere.”
The property, Mack said, could bring him about $1000 a month rent. Only a short time ago he began building a new gasoline station behind the present one. The new one, he said had been leased for 15 years.
“I can’t stop the bulldozers with my bare hands, but when the first piece of equipment moves onto my property, I’ll stop it with anything at my command,” he said.

Philadelphia Evening Bulletin on February 19, 1952: This photograph appeared showing the buildings (marked by dotted lines) slated to be torn down. From left to right: Mike Estock’s Garage, William E Groff’s Filling station, and Ed Mack’s. (Courtesy of the Temple University Urban Archive and the Tredyffrin-Easttown Historical Society.)

February 19, 1952 (Courtesy of the Temple University Urban Archive and the Tredyffrin-Easttown Historical Society.)

February 19, 1952 Gas station slated for demolition, run by William E. Groff, and his brother Richard. The small section of what was once Gulph Road, where this station was located, still exists in front of the now closed Tilted Kilt. (Courtesy of the Temple University Urban Archive and the Tredyffrin-Easttown Historical Society.)