Please join the Society on April 11th when Kimberly Morrell will share her experiences unearthing recent discoveries in the Philadelphia area. Ms. Morrell’s program will cover the wide array of artifacts from Native American tribes and the collections of tools, arrowheads, cooking pots and smoking pipes linked back to Native Americans living along the Delaware River back to 3,560 B.C.E., plus discoveries from colonial America, including the sites of former houses with plates, dishes and clothing from daily life in the 1700 and 1800s. This is guaranteed to be an interesting program.
Kim Morrell has been employed as a private sector field archaeologist for over 20 years. She has excavated sites from Pennsylvania to California and from Wisconsin to Alabama, but since 2000 she has primarily worked on sites in the Mid-Atlantic. Her experience includes the investigation of both Native American and historic era sites, with a research focus on eighteenth and nineteenth century cemeteries. She has been a field director with the engineering firm URS/AECOM since 2008.
What: Archaeological Discoveries
Who: Kimberly Morrell
Where: Christ Church Old Swedes Hall
740 River Road, Swedesburg PA 19405 (Directions)